I was looking at some old photos of the kids from when they were smaller on Brent's phone. Its hard to believe that they were so little then bc they are so big now!!
Three of my friends went out one last time before our friend (Sandra Taylor)had her baby..I have to say we had the best time we laughed so hard (at each other) that I thought Sandra was going to go into labor. We went out to eat and then went to the mall and went by a store that sold prom dresses and what was so funny was that none of us said anything we just looked at each other and smiled. We all knew what the other was thinking!! So we went in a tried on prom dresses and YES they did have dresses in our size even for the Sandra!! Then we got pedicures and went shopping!! SOOO much fun!!!
Oh and let me just add after you look at the pitcures PLEASE dont think that we thought we looked good!! What was funny was that half of us got the dress on but couldnt zip it all the way up in the back...
Yep Lane is now in the double digits! How did time go by so fast that he is now 10. I cant help but think that in 6 more years he will be driving and in 10 more years my baby boy will be 20! I seriously could cry thinking about it. I took cupcakes to school for his birthday and then we went to my parents house,Brent's parents came also and we have pizza and cake. Lane wanted a DSI and of course he got it!! We cant forget about Sara Beth she got a Justin Bieber cd that kid loves JB!! I found some photos of Lane the day he was born and just cant believe he was that small and now he is almost as tall as me! I think God so much for blessing me and Brent with a health boy and letting us be Lanes parents!!