On a better note....
Friday night was Sara Beth's first softball game and see did great. The team she is playing for picked her up late in the season b/c they lost one of there players and needed her to have enough. She had never played softball before but has played baseball for 3 years. So we thought she had a good understanding of how to play.. My baby girl got on base every time and she also got the last out that won the game for the team!!! Go Sara Beth...
Saturday night was the awards for the season for baseball.. Sara Beth's team was playing for First place in the tournaments for 5&6 year olds. They lost by ONE run but they all did a great job.. Sara Beth got her first home run at the game. Lane's team was also going to play for first place in the tournaments. But with everything the team had went throw the past week the coach's thought that instead of playing the game that the two team would both get a First place trophy..