Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Spring Break

Lane and Sara Beth had Spring Break last week. Me and Brent both had to work but we took Friday off to spend time with the kids. We had one of our youth from church come stay with the kids while they were out. I think they had a good week we tried to keep them busy. The babysitter took them to the park in Eaglveille one day and went swimming and they even went to a camp out at a friends house one night... On Friday we went to the park in M'boro with some dear friends and there two children!!!

While we were at the park Sara Beth took my camera and took some pictures. She didn't notice while she was taking the pictures that the cover for the camera was still half way on!!! So here is the out come of her picture taking!!!!

Easter 2010

We had a great Easter at the Stacy house..It was one of the prettiest Easter that I can remember that we have had in several years.. We took full advantage of it.. We went to church and then went with my mom and dad to Millers Grocery to have lunch and then went for a ride in the jeep with the top off... We had such a great day!!!