Lane went to Church Camp for the first time yesterday. He will be gone for 3 days. I really didn't want him to go I wanted him to wait 1 more year before he went..but he just keep on and on.. So I gave in and let him go.. I was in bed on Sunday night talking to Brent about Camp and started to cry.. I just cant believe that he is now old enough to go somewhere like that by himself.. I know it will be good for him and I know he will have a great time. But I cant wait until he gets home Wednesday. I think I have text one of the leaders that went with them about 35 times already.. Sara Beth is loving being a "only child" for a few days.. Several people have ask her if she missed her brother and she has been very quick to say "NO".. She is one funny little girl...Here are a few of the picture I took of the kids before going to camp...

I had to make sure he was buckled up!!!

What A group

Lane is a little sweet on this little girl at our Church