We started back up with our girls night out! For January we thought we would do something different so we had a painting party! Oh my goodness it was so much fun! I'm one that cant draw a straight line with a ruler but I was willing to give it a shoot! And much to my surprise it didn't look that bad! Although when I got home Sara Beth said "momma I love your four leaf clover." but the picture was supposed to be a polka dotted cross!! We have a lot of fun stuff planned for our GNO 2011!!!
We went to a birthday party last week in Franklin at a place called Glow Galaxy! It was really neat place. It's a lot like Bounce U with black lights! The kids had a great time!
We have had so much snow here in Tennessee and its only January!! The kids have loved all the snow! We got out on one of the first snow day and played all day it was so much fun!! The school system used there last snow day today which means any more snow days will have to be made up!
This was the first time in 6 years that we went out on New Years eve and not spent it at the Church with our Youth Group!! We got a babysitter and went out with two other couples we had the BEST time!! Nothing to wild after all we had a pregnant lady with us!! We started the night out at Samurai in Murfreesboro the food was awesome then we went bowling, and ended the night at Dairy Queen (per the pregnant women's request.)
We hope everyone had a great Christmas!! We sure did it started Christmas eve when we went to my Mom and Dad's house and let the kids open there gifts from the Grandparents and there Aunt and Uncles!! That alone was way more gifts then the kids needed!! After that we head home to get ready for the " Big Guy" it was so nice to start new memories in our new house!! We had a little bit of trouble getting the kids to go to sleep Christmas eve so much so that Santa almost didn't get to come. I think Santa came around 7:30am Christmas morning (talk about cutting it close)!! The Kids would wake up every time that heard something!! So needless to say we didn't get much sleep but that's okay! I'm sure we will get lots of sleep once the kids are grown and out of the house and we will be wishing for Christmas eve's like this one!! We had our Christmas that morning and then our friends came over and the kids exchanged there gifts we all had breakfast together and played games and had a great time. Christmas night Brent's family came over and we all played more games and just enjoyed spending time together!! I took a ton of photos so be ready for picture overload!!!