Vacation Bible School ended Friday night and let me just say Weee-Whooooo I'm so wiped out who knew teaching 13 or so 5 year old's could be so hard. All the kids had a great time. The one thing all the kids loved the most was the music it was great. The kids said that there favorite song was YES to VBS!! Well some of the teacher thought that it would be cute to make up a dance to go with the song (yes Baptist dance too) well some how me and Brent were added into the dance. Let me just tell you kids love to see adults make a fool out of themselves..And that my friend is what we did!!!! But hey its for the kids right???? (that's what I kept telling myself) This type of behavior is very normal for Brent but not Me.. Here are a few picture from the last night.
Very typical for Sara Beth she did not want to be up there. Cant you tell by the look on her face!!!
Lane is just like his dad he loved to be up front
See I told you look at him
Nice hat Brent
I can't believe I'm showing this picture of myself
Boy oh Boy let the comments begin!!!
Betty... Betty....Betty!! You have soooooo let that goof ball you live with rub off on you!!! Just kidding, it is so fun to have a great time!
I see the Brent coming out in you!!! LOL it doesn't matter though as long as the kids are having fun.
Hey Betty - I've emailed you several times about my hair dresser - but I don't know if you are getting them. Just let me know if you haven't and I will get you all the info you need!
Ummmm....Betty, don't ever do that again! Yikes!
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