Since it was tax free weekend me and Sara Beth went shopping for school stuff. I can’t believe that it’s already time to start back!!! I knew what I needed and I was on a mission for just that shoes for Lane and Sara Beth. I thought that we could go get there shoes and be back home with in a couple of hours. I mean really how long does it take to get two pairs of shoes? Let me tell you it takes about 4 hours. Well maybe not that long if you have a child like Lane, I had ask him what kind of shoes he wanted before we went and he said “ whatever I don’t care” easy, easy. But my sweet little Sara Beth told me that she wanted some with PINK on them. I thought pink that should be easy enough… right? I was able to get Lane a pair at the second store we went to…So next it was time to look for a pair for Sara Beth. I knew after 3 pairs of pink shoes and she did not like any of them that we were going to have a problem!!! We looked and looked and looked. Oh yeah we found pink shoes but not any that Sara Beth liked. I had told her that we were going to try one last store and if we did not find any shoes for her then we would just have to try a different day. I could only take so much shopping for the perfect pink pair of shoes. Well we were at the last store looking and Sara Beth said to my surprise “mama I found my shoes” I turned around to see what she found and this is what Sara Beth found for school
Yes that’s right high heels that were $175.00. After about four hours of shopping and no pink shoes that would work for little Miss Sara Beth. We went home, Brent ask me when we got home and only had ONE pair of shoe, why did you not get Sara Beth a pair. I told him "Well because the only pair that Sara Beth found were $175.00". Brent almost fell out of his chair. So no shoes for Sara Beth we’ll try again soon.
Little Miss High Class!!! lol Just wait I'm sure it doesn't get any cheaper with girls!!! Boys are so easy they don't care
hahahahahahah!!! gotta love them girls! Guess that is why the good Lord blessed me with two! Oh and uhhhh Brent you think $175 smacks is toooo much to drop on a pair of shoes for your little darling daughter??
That's my girl! Get the good stuff baby. Mommy is paying.
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