Thursday, December 3, 2009

Heavy Hearts

I know that its been a while since my last post.. I was going to post today about Halloween and Thanksgiving and even put some new pictures up...But I got a call this morning that made all that stuff seem not so important...If you remember on one of my last post I had ask for prayer for little Morgan Mayo she was needing a new heart...Well I got the call this morning that Morgan went to be with Jesus last night at 11:45.. My heart just breaks for that family has they deal with the loss of sweet little Morgan...So many times I think "why would God take a sweet little baby from her mother and father" but I know that EVERYTHING works out for the goodness and glory of God.. He has a plan we don't know what it is now...But his plane will show one day...To read the whole story on Morgan's life go here Morgan Mayo
Please stop what you are doing and pray for this family...My heart is so heavy for this sweet family now and prayers are the best thing we can do for them....Thanks

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