Sara Beth had been asking for a easy bake oven FOREVER.. I finally gave in and got her one...It looks like its going to be a big mess but she should have fun making the mess!!!

Sunday was Sara Beth's birthday..We started the day off by opening up her gifts from us then went to church. After Church Lane had a basketball game and then the awards for basketball then we had to hurry to the church for the Church Christmas play and we ended the nite with dinner and El Mexico!!!

The kids had a great season in ball this year..Lanes team finished 1st in the season and 1st in the tournaments.. Sara Beth's team....well lets just say they didn't finish 1st but the girls all had a great time playing ball and they were so funny to watch...Way to go Lane and Sara Beth y'all did great!!!
The Christmas play at our church EL Bethel was great. The children have worked so hard on the play for the past 3 months and it showed Sunday night... Lane had a lead in the play and I think he will follow in his dads footsteps and be in drama when he gets in high school...