Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Easter came early

We had decide last year to get the kids a few ducks for Easter but when we went to get them they were all SOLD OUT!!! So this year we went early to get them and we were going to keep them a secret until Easter but its kinda hard to hid them so we went on and gave them to the kids. Our plan is to let the kids raise them and when they get old enough to put them on the pond at our house. The kids are loving them they want to hold them all the time. We have tried to explain that the ducks are not like cats and dogs that you can't hold them all the time that it would kill them.. Sara Beth is so sweet with them she will just talk to them and watch them for hours...Brent and the kids are already talking about getting more after these get bigger..ummm I'm not so sure about that because when we got them I didn't know that I was going to have to be the "MOTHER DUCK" I have to clean out the cage(every day) make sure they have water and I don't have enough to do around the house!!!

1 comment:

Holli said...

That is the best Easter present E-V-E-R!