This is Lanes teacher Ms. Thompson. Lane has had her for the last two years it's been great!!! She told all of us the other day that she was pregnant and due in Sept.. YAY!!! Ms. Thompson

Today is Lane's Birthday he's 8...WOW...We took some of his friends to pizza hut and bowling after church yesterday... Those boys are fun little people when you get about 5 together. We are going to my moms house tonight for more pizza and cake... I was telling Brent last night (while I was crying) that if the next 8 years goes as fast as the last 8 years that we will have a 16 year old before we know it..

I had to put this picture of the final score up so all could see..Its not real clear but if you look close you can see that I beat Brent in our bowling game. I guess when you got it you got...

1 comment:
Happy Birthday Lane!
Congrats to Misty & Troy!
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